Fact vs. Interpretation
Courtesy of June Anderson, Breakthrough Coaching, Inc.
Language gives us the capacity for creating and inventing the future. Remember, each of our futures is a function of what we say is going to happen on our shift. One could say that our speaking creates reality. Creating new realities and leading others into action on behalf of the compelling future we say, is a gift and a privilege. What compelling future do you want to lead others towards?
To clarify the future you are creating, answer the following questions:
What future lights me up?
What is it that makes my heart sing?
Where am I focusing my energies?
What do I consider to be breakdowns and problems?
‘But it’s not fair!’
In daily life, problems invariably arise. Problems themselves do not automatically cause suffering. If the problem can be directly addressed by focusing energy on finding a solution, for instance, the problem can be transformed into a challenge (from The Art of Happiness by The Dalai Lama).
If we make up an interpretation that our problems or breakdowns are unfair, we are setting ourselves up for self-created suffering. And, by judging the person, place or thing (blaming) that upset us, there are suddenly two problems instead of one. Going with the interpretation that something is unfair is a huge energy drain, which can consume and distract us from our breakthrough projects. Another possibility is to walk the situation through the post-project register for value questions. Ask yourself:
What does this unexpected result allow for?
What new possibilities arise given this unexpected result?