Vitruvian woman with quote

Graphic by Destiny Carter for the Institute for Women’s Leadership



Today is International Women’s Day. On the first official celebration of it, back in 1909, more than one million women and men attended rallies for women’s right to work, vote, be trained, and hold public office, and to end discrimination. We are still working on some of those.


But today is a day for good news. Here is some I want to share. Browse, enjoy, and congratulate every girl and woman you know on something specific she has accomplished in her life!


39 Stunning Images Of Women At Work All Over The World

The Huffington Post has assembled an eye-popping collection of photos in honor of International Women’s Day. Unfortunately, the photos seem to have been chosen more for their visual than inspirational qualities (way too many women in low-level jobs). But, still, you’ll see Afghani women working out at a boxing club, an Iranian who is a member of one of the only women’s fire and rescue units in the Middle East, and a young German engineer hand-building a 5.5L V8 bi-turbo engine at a Mercedes factory. Images Of Women At Work

'Shatter the Barriers'

This video, created by chemical engineer Jessica Wynder, was the fan favorite in Catalyst’s #DisruptTheDefault video contest. Jessica says: “One of the things my colleagues and I at Air Products are very dedicated to is promoting careers in STEM to young people. Many of us volunteer our time as LIN Ambassadors [to schools], taking fun, hands-on experiments using liquid nitrogen to demonstrate the ‘magic’ of science and engineering by freezing and shattering everyday objects.”

“We thought it would be fun to use the same concepts to help us ‘shatter’ some of the barriers that hold women back from amazing careers in STEM.”



#DisruptTheDefault is a call to action  for companies and individuals to shake up the way we think, speak, and act, and to make bold moves that will forge meaningful change for women, as well as men, in the workplace and the world. The winner of their video contest will be announced March 26 at the 2015 Catalyst Awards Dinner in NYC.

Good News for Future Generations

leanin together psa 1The times, they really ARE a-changin’. Every week I see posts and articles online about men who truly GET the imperative for Gender Partnership, a subject dear to my heart. Here are just a few.


Emma Answers Young People's Questions on Equality

emma watson facebook 3-15 video 1British actor and UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson fielded questions today from 120 young fans who wanted to challenge — or simply ask — her about about gender equality and the HeForShe campaign, a global solidarity movement to engage men and boys in the movement.  A link to Part 1 of the event is in the picture above. You can also watch Part 2.