womens book collage

Let me introduce you to a woman I am proud to know. Her name is TaKeysha Sheppard Cheney, and in 2009 she founded The Women’s Book, a multimedia company that connects women in business to local networks and resources that can advance their businesses, careers, communities, and lifestyles.

Thanks to TaKeysha’s lively energy and determination, The Women’s Book now has local networks in the San Francisco Bay Area, as wells as Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio. She has plans (why think small?) to expand into eight more metropolitan areas within the next four years.

One of the reasons I am so proud of what TaKeysha’s doing is that she started working on her multimedia business concept when she took our Women Leading Change program. It has been a pleasure to watch her build her business — and help in whatever way I can.

I love how passionate TaKeysha is about the empowerment of women and girls. In fact, she has just started yet another enterprise, a website for parents and teachers called The Girl’s Book: Resources for Raising Strong, Smart Girls.

The Women’s Book website is full of news and information, and offers links to free online and printed editions of “the book” itself. These community directories include inspirational as well as practical articles:


  • Profiles of a diverse range of local women who are succeeding in their careers and giving back to their communities by leading organizations.
  • Local corporate and nonprofit spotlights showcasing women leaders, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and special products and services
  • Special interest sections covering professional development topics
  • Resource directory sections featuring categorized listings of local women-owned businesses and nonprofits serving women and girls


Recently, TaKeysha sponsored Arianna Huffington’s appearance at the launch of the San Francisco Bay Area edition of The Women’s Book — an event that was also the closing keynote at our THRIVE conference. The result was a powerful confluence of positive energy, insightful ideas, and community. Interested? Take a look!