This is the first in a series of Guest Posts by winners of our 2017 Guys Who Get It Awards, who shared their best practices in Gender Partnership with attendees
Why Give Guys Awards Just for Doing the Right Thing?
Clockwise from upper left, John Simon, Legacy Award Winner Ted Childs, Mayor Ed Lee, Rick King, Antonio Lucio, Bill Fitzsimmons, and Steve Dunmore
Someone asked me the other day why
Meet the Winners of Our Guys Who Get It Awards!
Award-winners, clockwise from upper left, John Simon, Legacy Award Winner Ted Childs, Mayor Ed Lee, Rick King, Antonio Lucio, Bill Fitzsimmons, and Steve Dunmore
Three cheers (or more!) for our
Ignore Gender Balance and Go the Way of the Dinosaurs
GUEST POST by Ben Schick,
Institute for Gender Partnership
Guys, there’s a far-reaching movement afoot, and believe me, you want to get in on it. If you don’t, you’ll put your business
It’s Not Just by Being on Boards That Women Boo$t Results
Just over two years ago, Credit Suisse, a global financial services company headquartered in Zurich, sent a shock wave through the business world with its study showing that companies with
The Stories Behind Some ‘Don’t Miss’ News
Several encouraging news items about women’s progress have been making the rounds lately, but for me, the headlines aren’t enough. I decided to take a deeper look at some of these events and
Known for Keeping ‘Fast Company’
Robin Terrell, co-founder of GenderAllies
There’s nothing I love better than spreading the word about the success of friends and colleagues who are doing great work. The person
Women CEOs Get Their Profiles Raised
I found several fascinating things on the web last week in which women CEOs were recognized for their extraordinary achievements and – just as helpful from a gender-partnership perspective –