Sometimes when you go looking for information, you find more than you bargained for. I experienced this recently when I read about a study by a University of Chicago sociologist
In the Pages of The Washington Post
The Institute for Women’s Leadership made its debut in The Washington Post yesterday! Information about our mission and our offerings appeared in a beautiful insert called Empowering Women. This magazine-style
Women CEOs Get Their Profiles Raised
I found several fascinating things on the web last week in which women CEOs were recognized for their extraordinary achievements and – just as helpful from a gender-partnership perspective –
Open Letter from a Frustrated Daughter
Dear Dad,
You always told me I could do anything I set my mind to. I believed you, and I have always wanted to make you proud. But now I really
Why Gender Equity Requires Men to Wield Their Power
Nearly 30 years ago, a top magazine editor named Gay Bryant wrote, “Women have reached a certain point — I call it the glass ceiling. They’re in the top of
Finally, Toys That Promote Girl Power
Good news for girls and the grownups who love them. Two new lines of female action figures will be released later this year. One features powerful female figures that personify
Different Breeds of ‘Most Powerful’ Women
Words from a spiritually powerful woman:
“I am convinced that courage is the most important of all the virtues. Because without courage, you cannot