Famously successful introverts – Top row: Marissa Mayer, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Martha Minow (dean, Harvard Law). Bottom row: Katharine Graham (publisher of The Washington Post for 20
The Stories Behind Some ‘Don’t Miss’ News
Several encouraging news items about women’s progress have been making the rounds lately, but for me, the headlines aren’t enough. I decided to take a deeper look at some of these events and
We Are Kin
I have been thinking a lot lately about what’s called “second generation gender bias.” This term refers to all the unconscious ways in which people think themselves superior to the
Known for Keeping ‘Fast Company’
Robin Terrell, co-founder of GenderAllies
There’s nothing I love better than spreading the word about the success of friends and colleagues who are doing great work. The person
Yes! Signs of a Culture Evolving
Sometimes when you go looking for information, you find more than you bargained for. I experienced this recently when I read about a study by a University of Chicago sociologist
In the Pages of The Washington Post
The Institute for Women’s Leadership made its debut in The Washington Post yesterday! Information about our mission and our offerings appeared in a beautiful insert called Empowering Women. This magazine-style
Women CEOs Get Their Profiles Raised
I found several fascinating things on the web last week in which women CEOs were recognized for their extraordinary achievements and – just as helpful from a gender-partnership perspective –
Open Letter from a Frustrated Daughter
Dear Dad,
You always told me I could do anything I set my mind to. I believed you, and I have always wanted to make you proud. But now I really